Heinous Killer Set Free
The Board took a vote yesterday after hearing several people oppose the release of prisoner Raul Higgins and decided that the trauma caused by this inmate has no preference over his rehabilitation.
He will be released to the Veterans Center in Monterey on Friday October 25th, 2024
On May 22, 2024, Raul Higgins was granted parole from San Quentin Prison. The Parole Board finds that Mr. Higgins does not currently pose an unreasonable risk to public safety and are therefore suitable for parole. In just two years Higgins went from his “inability to understand the viciousness of the crime and that the prisoner has lack of insight which is a predictor of poor outcomes” to not posing any risk to society???? In just two years his prison programming has rehabilitated him from strangling a mother of 5 and won him freedom?? The Parole board fails us, fails our society and fails to protect women who are at risk of falling into dangerous relationships. This is a broken system for the victims of the utmost heinous of crimes. We hope you continue the fight with us. We hope that the more voices are heard from the community the more weight we have for the commissioners to take into account. Thank you for staying with us and having your voice heard. Together in numbers matters.
Unite For Carolyn
Carolyn Marie-1959-1998
Carolyn with her two youngest, Stephen and Megan-1995